The Green Economy is a concept with a profound impact on the way we manage our resources and develop our society in the 21st century. This concept, which emerged in 1980, has become more relevant than ever since the 2008 financial crisis. In those difficult times, the world learned that it is possible to combine economic growth with environmental protection.
What is the Green Economy?
The Green Economy is about balancing economic growth with environmental conservation, even improving of. It is a strategy that aims to invest in environmental and climate action to boost the economy while reducing the negative impact on our planet. This approach brings several concepts together, including sustainable development, green modernisation and green job creation.
Key Terms in the Green Economy
Energy Economy and Renewable Energy
The energy economy focuses on energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. This involves investing in low-emission technologies and strategies to combat climate change
Green Economy
The green economy focuses on the idea that the economy is an integral part of the ecosystem and must be managed accordingly. This includes sustainability issues as well as concerns about environmental scarcity and social equity.
Global Green Economy
In developing countries, the transition to a green economy is a vital necessity. Here, governments and the private sector work together to develop sustainable and economically efficient business models. The aim is to eradicate poverty and stimulate economic growth while respecting the principles of sustainable development.
Cleaner Production
Cleaner production is about improving the production process, tackling problems at source, rather than just treating symptoms. The principles include ‘polluter pays’, pollution prevention and the adoption of precaution in the adoption of new technologies. This approach helps to reduce pollution and use resources more efficiently.
How Do Our Everyday Choices Affect the Green Economy?
Our daily choices have a significant impact on greening the economy. From the food on our plates to the transport we use, every decision counts. Let’s take a simple example, the sushi we eat. Although we eat fish for protein, many fish species are at risk. About half of the world’s fish stocks are almost depleted. Choosing sustainable food can help protect fish stocks.

At the restaurant where we eat, the energy production process used for food preparation and comfort conditions often require fossil fuels, generating greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing energy consumption and adopting renewable energy sources can make a significant difference.
Waste is also a major problem. The fact that over 11 billion tonnes of solid waste are collected every year worldwide is an alarming reality. Recycling and responsible waste management are key to the green economy.
Transport, largely based on fossil fuels, contributes to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Opting for greener and more energy-efficient means of transport can reduce environmental impact.
Greenhouse gas emissions
Greenhouse gas emissions mean the release of substances into the atmosphere that cause global warming. Just as we wear clothes on cold days to keep us warm, the Earth’s atmosphere has a kind of invisible ‘blanket’ of gases that helps us maintain a temperature suitable for life.
This natural process is good, but there’s a problem: humans emit too many of these greenhouse gases into the air. For example, when we burn fossil fuels (such as gasoline or coal) or when we grow methane-intensive livestock (such as cows), we release more gases than the atmosphere can handle. So this invisible “blanket” gets thicker and heavier.
The effect? The earth is getting too hot! Temperatures are rising around the world, and this can lead to serious problems such as melting glaciers, more frequent flooding, etc.
In conclusion, our everyday choices are closely linked to greening the economy. By acting responsibly, each of us can contribute to a more environmentally friendly economy, thus promoting a more sustainable future for generations to come.
If you would like to learn more about this topic, we invite you to take the online course “Our Future: Sustainable Development – Responsible and conscious choices in everyday life”.
The #21VNDS course is free and can be accessed by anyone interested in topics such as the basics of sustainability, individual-level change, sustainability in business and sustainable cities.
The project “Our Future: Sustainable Development” is funded through the Start NGO program, launched by Kaufland Romania and implemented by the Act for Tomorrow Association.
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