Start NGO is a program launched by Kaufland Romania and implemented by Act for Tomorrow Association.
The areas covered are education, health, environment, social and culture. The total value of the programme is €500,000. The Start NGO Programme is the simplest EU funding instrument for young NGOs, non-administrative institutions and informal/initiative groups.
Project funded by
Discover the 21 tasty meals without food waste that we propose
Do you want to improve your individual behaviour by reducing your negative impact on the environment but don’t know where to start?
The 21MGFR campaign comes to your aid!
Reduce your personal food waste and that of your family members and be part of progress.
Did you know that in Romania ...?
1.35 million TONS of food is thrown away annually ONLY from Romanian households
of food per capita going to the bin each year
of food wasted daily in Romania
How can we reduce food waste?
Reducing food waste is easy!
Here are a few ways:
☞ buy the necessary glass for short periods
☞ reuse the leftovers
☞ buy products at the end of their expiry date
☞ buy seasonal products
☞ freeze products before they spoil
☞ donate leftover food
☞ apply the “first in-first out” rule
☞ buy products that you can use in the most versatile ways
☞ recycles
Some simple and quick rules to implement in your daily life to reduce food waste

☞ write your shopping list from home
☞ don’t shop when you feel hungry
☞ choose the exact quantities you need
☞ choose to buy less attractive fruit/vegetables too
☞ choose products close to their expiry date
☞ choose foods on sale
*the restaurant
☞ ask for the exact amount you plan to consume
☞ if possible (Swedish buffet) put the minimum you need on your plate and gradually add
☞ ask for the rest of your plate to go and eat it at home

"The holiday season is not over,
And we ate hard,
And we didn't throw food scraps away,
Because I reinvented them!"

Educational videos, food waste in brief and solutions: