Entrepreneurial management and sustainability

What does Sustainable Management entail?

Entrepreneurial management

it is specific to businesses at the beginning of the journey and presents several particularities, which differentiate it from company management:

  • is focused on identifying and capitalizing on business opportunities
  • characterized by quick decisions and actions (short-term vision)
  • uses managerial systems with few hierarchical levels
  • is based on innovation and strong staff motivation
  • gives the company a heightened dynamism
  • it is a highly personalized management through the vision and personality of the entrepreneur

The professionalism of entrepreneurial management is influenced by:

  • the type and level of training of the entrepreneur
  • his vision of the business undertaken
  • the experience, entrepreneurial and managerial talent of the entrepreneur
  • personal characteristics of the entrepreneur

Entrepreneurial culture has 5 characteristics:

  1. gives attention and priority to entrepreneurial activity
  2. the emphasis is on individual and collective initiative
  3. the perseverance and determination of the entrepreneur are exploited
  4. promotes the balance between security and personal risk of the entrepreneur
  5. the balance between stability and change within the business is pursued

The importance of decisions in sustainable development

  1. The decision-making process includes the following stages:
  • Recognizing the need
  • Diagnosing the problem
  • Development of alternatives
  • Selecting the optimal alternative
  • Implementation of the optimal solution
  • Control and follow-up of the application of the decision

Interested in starting a business?

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To learn more, watch the free video course on Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship

Sustainable Management

The decision-making process includes the following stages:

  • Recognizing the need
  • Diagnosing the problem
  • Development of alternatives
  • Selecting the optimal alternative
  • Implementation of the optimal solution
  • Control and follow-up of the application of the decision

Read the other articles on Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship


Entrepreneurial management and sustainability

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Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability

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The Entrepreneur and the Community

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Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship

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Here you can find all the documents necessary to open a social entrepreneurial activity.

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21st Greentury